Tama Piccolo PF155 12"X 3,1/4" Steel Shell Soprano Snare Reviews 4

I've always liked the sound of a Piccolo Snare, and since i saw this awesome Funk drummer, i've fancied the idea of playing with two snares. So i bought this at Norsk Musikk in Oslo, Norway. It costed me about 170$ or about 1800 NOK wich is REALLY cheap!

This snare has the excellent sound of a tiny Steel Piccolo and Has a certain "ring/song" to it wich is ADORABLE! The snare is light cheap and EXCELLENT for people willing to invest in a Piccolo snare without paying a fortune. I would suggest to use it with another 14" wooden snare as well though. Plus the snare is easy to tune!!

It's not a PRIMARY snare. It's a cheap and great SECOND snare.

As usual, Tama means quality. I have a tama Double bass pedal, and my Premier hardware isn't HALF as ingenious as Tama's. Lightweight and two suprisingly nice heads are included as well!

Excellent second snare. A bit Tacky as a primary snare. Excellent for beginners by the way!

Marius rated this unit 4 on 2002-03-07.

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